Monday, May 7, 2012

Burger Fuel at Dubai Mall

And so I almost forgot to write about where did we go after the flea market. We went to Burger Fuel, sounds odd eh? It's Ate Sa's new fave burger place.

She's determined to have burger at Burger Fuel for lunch and excited to show us how it's different to other burgers like McDo, Burger King and other fast food places. We went to the branch in Dubai Mall. Very nice location. We had the view of the rice rink below.

A snap of pendant light utilizing spark plugs, very artistic.

Burger Fuel's Mini Burger
The Menu
A bit more expensive though, but if you're eating healthy then it's worth it. The best thing, it was her treat! So I didn't have to part with my hard-earned dirham for a burger :) Yipee. Ooops, she might read this.

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