Saturday, May 5, 2012

Flea Market at Safa Park

Every first Saturday of the month there is a flea market in Safa Park from 8am till 3pm organized by

And so we thought of going to see. I must admit that this was my second time to see the place. First time I went I was a volunteer selling goodies to raise funds for charity. My first time today to go as potential customer. Ready to brace the heat, wearing my sunglasses and carrying my purse with some money, I drove and left from my building at 10am with two of my girl-friends. Outside is 36°C temperature.

Park entrance is AED 3.

Ate Sa as seen here is busy inspecting a dress.
More photo from the market.

Me and Ate Fi with some stuff we got from the market. We enjoyed today's flea market especially I found pairs of dangling earrings at AED 2 each. I am going to wear those soon.

We're done at flea market now and must feed our tummies next.

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